Form 1447 Download For No Further Stay Waiver Request

Form 1447 PDF

Form 1447 is a legal document often used by an individual to request to extend a stay for a conditioned visa in Australia. Some specific conditions, such as 8503, 8534, 8535, and 8540, restrict the visa holders not to allow further stay after their visa expires.

No further stay waiver request form 1447 ensures that a legal way to request a waiver of these conditions is established. You can obtain this fillable blank form by clicking the download button below. Moreover, you will learn how to fill out this form accurately, its importance, and additional details to approve the visa extension.

no further stay waiver request form 1447
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Importance of No Further Stay Waiver Request Form 1447

No further stay conditions are often non-negotiable, but the following reasons can allow individuals to waiver the conditions.

Family Emergencies

If there is sudden illness or death in the family, it is acceptable to waive the request, which can help to relax from the specific condition.

Medical Emergencies

It helps to waive the request during a severe medical emergency that can not be postponed.

Travel Disruptions

If a political life threat, natural disaster, or unforeseen event back home can risk your life, this form ensures the waiver request.

Other Justifying Reasons

The situations that compel humanitarian or public policy considerations where applying for a waiver aligns play a vital role.

How To Download 1447 No Further Stay Waiver Request Form

Visit Forms Dude 

  • Step 1: Type in any web browser to visit the homepage.
  • Step 2: Type the form’s name (Form 1447) in the search bar.
  • Step 3: Search for the fillable blank PDF form in the result.
  • Step 4: Click the download 1447 form button to save it instantly.
  • Step 5: Open and fill out the form using the PDF editor.
  • Step 6: Fortunately, you can fill out this form here and press the print button for a printout immediately.
  • Step 7: Re-check the filled form and submit it.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Filling Out the Blank Form 1447

You must follow these instructions to complete the form with accuracy:

1- Applicant Information

In this section, write the applicant’s full name, date of birth, passport number, passport country, visa subclass, date of arrival, visa expiry, address, contact number, and email address.

2- Assistance with this Form

If you receive assistance with this form, write his/her name, address, and contact number. Also, write the reasons for waiver in the given boxes (A, B, and C).

3- Checklist

Attach all the required documents and tick the boxes below to ensure the attachment.

4- Declaration

The applicant must sign the form with the date to declare all information provided on this form is accurate.

5- Re-Check and Submit

The applicant must re-check the form to ensure the proper completion and submit it within the timeframe. Also, keep a copy of this form to maintain the record.

Eligibility Criteria for the Form 1447

You must meet the following eligibility criteria if you want a waiver request for a specific condition of no further stay.

Proof of Exceptional Circumstances

The applicant must provide proof of exceptional circumstances that can not be neglected.

Timely Filling

The applicant must submit this form within the visa tenure to avoid rejecting the request application.

Compliance with Visa Conditions

It is essential to comply with the visa conditions to avoid criminal activity or illegal overstaying.

Supporting Documents

The applicant must attach the evidence documents to the request to ensure the claim of waiver request. Attached is a death certificate, medical certificate, or other evidence that provides enough disrupted travel arrangements.


What is the Form 1447?

The Department of Home Affairs often requires a standard document to allow an individual to request a waiver for no further stay under specific conditions.

What is a No Further Stay Condition?

A no-further stay condition did not allow the applicant already staying in Australia and looking for a further stay. Suppose your visa officer imposes any of these conditions on your visa applicant. In that case, you can only apply for a limited-time visa, such as a bridging or protection visa.

What Visas are No Further Stay Conditions Imposed On?

This condition can be imposed on various temporary visas, including subclass 600 (visitors) visas.

What is the Processing Time for the No Stay Waiver Request 1447 Form?

It often requires 28 days to process the waiver request. However, if more documents or medical examinations are required by the department, it may take more time.

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